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Bittersweet feelings on Paystack acquisition by Stripe

Some thoughts on the Paystack acquisition by Stripe:

1. Hearty congratulations to the Paystack boys and their entire team. In the middle of the pandemic and the EndSARS protests, as a glimmer of hope comes their success.

2. Happy for Paystack, but I swallowed the news with a pinch of salt. Paystack is another potential unicorn Nigerian company. I would have fancied it to grow to become a competitor to Stripe someday. But hey, wishes are not horses.

3. Have you ever tried to launch a startup? If yes, you’d agree it’s no small feat achieved by these guys. I know you are working hard too, don’t worry, keep at it, your time will come.

4. Are you just trying to begin your own startup? Or are you now being inspired by the success of Paystack to start one? Great. Just know that it’s sweet to read a $200M buyout online but the $200M idea and work had gone in before that. It’s not a battle for the fainthearted but yes, it is doable. If you persist long and hard enough.