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Covid-19 Survival Strategies for your business

In this Covid19 period, every business will face challenges in its own way. Flexibility and a proactive approach will make the difference for businesses.

The following are areas I believe businesses can look into to survive in this period.

Automation – seek to automate processes as much as possible. This will provide speed, agility, and efficiency in your sales and operations. It will also prepare you if another lockdown happens in the future.

Cost-cutting – reduce spending in every avenue possible. This is not the time to throw money around, cash is king.

Essentials – focus on products and services that are essential to your customers. They are more likely to buy only things they must buy. For now, luxuries will be secondary.

Partnerships – be on the lookout for symbiotic relationships with other businesses around the world. This can open new streams of income and take some pressure off your business.

Innovation – times like this come with their own opportunities, innovation can still drive profits in this period. New ideas or branches of your business will open up. Identify them and take advantage.

Investments – even though investors too are trying to keep their cash, they still will not pass up on an opportunity to make good returns if you provide them a great one.

To your success.

Cover image: entrepreneur.com